
open class Projection

A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates on the surface of the Earth. Screen location is in screen pixels (not display pixels) with respect to the top left corner of the map (and not necessarily of the whole screen).


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open fun calculateZoom(minScale: Float): Double
Calculates a zoom level based on minimum scale and current scale from MapView
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Returns the geographic location that corresponds to a screen location.
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open fun fromScreenLocations(@NonNull input: Array<Double>, @NonNull output: Array<Double>)
Returns the geographic locations that corresponds to screen locations.
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Returns the LatLng for a spherical Mercator projected meters.
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open fun getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(@FloatRange(from = "-90", to = 90) latitude: Double): Double
Returns the distance spanned by one pixel at the specified latitude and current zoom level.
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Returns the spherical Mercator projected meters for a LatLng.
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Gets a projection of the viewing frustum for converting between screen coordinates and geo-latitude/longitude coordinate bounds.
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open fun getVisibleRegion(ignorePadding: Boolean): VisibleRegion
Gets a projection of the viewing frustum for converting between screen coordinates and geo-latitude/longitude coordinates.
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Returns a screen location that corresponds to a geographical coordinate (LatLng).
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open fun toScreenLocations(@NonNull input: Array<Double>, @NonNull output: Array<Double>)
Returns a screen locations that corresponds to a geographical coordinates.